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New Christians
God knew you long before you were even formed in your mother's womb. He chose you in Himself before even the foundation of the world. He has great ...
1 Lectures
This is a course meant for new Christians. It is a course for 21 days. It helps new Christians to appreciate the life of salvation they came into. ...
Are you tired of being at the same level of Christianity? In fact, God has never called you to live a stagnant Christian life but rather a life of ...
One of the best gospels when it comes to learning more of Jesus is John. In this course of 21 days, you will study the gospel of John.
One of the most important decisions you can make in your family is having consistent devotional time. Nothing can replace this. In this course, you...
Questions and Answers
Questions are always part of our lives. In our walk as Christians, this truth even holds much more. There are always questions you will find in the...
If you are a Christian parent or guardian, then one of the most wise decisions you can ever make is to nurture you child in the Lord One of the thi...