


Text lesson

Chapter 24 – Creative Ways Of Sharing The Gospel

Creativity Ways Of Sharing Image.

Step 3: Sharing The Gospel – Chapter 24


D.L Moody, a famous evangelist, was criticized one day by a lady who disagreed with how he shared the Gospel. He responded to her judgment, “I agree with you; I do not like my way either. But tell me, how do you do it?” The lady answered, “I don’t do it.” Mr. Moody responded, “Then I like my method better than yours of not doing it at all.”

An imperfect way of sharing the Gospel is better than no method, and even a shaky or rough presentation of the Gospel message is better than keeping your mouth shut. We should all have the mindset characterized in Romans 1:16, For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

Whether starting your testimony, quoting Bible verses, or sharing the Gospel message in any way depicted throughout these study guides, the explosive force and power of the Gospel message will have a lasting impact on all who will listen.


Everyone is unique and has experienced different circumstances in life. Please find a method of sharing the Gospel that best works for you. This study guide will illustrate the easiest way to share the Gospel for new Christians or those unsure how to present the Gospel message, followed by more developed and established methods.

Here is an excellent short video on how to start a Spiritual Conversation.



1. Have a garage sale. You could set Bibles out for free and display them on a table. I did this at my yard sale, and people of all ages, especially teens, had taken over 25 Bibles.

2. Collect Bibles. Collect used Bibles from your church congregation and ship them to developing countries through an organization in your area that will ship them out in large containers, which is the cheapest way. Ask your pastor or church administration if they could announce in the church bulletin asking people to donate spare Bibles. Then, place a large box with a note accepting free Bibles in the foyer to collect Bibles. Once, through a church organization, we shipped out 14 banana boxes full of new and used Bibles. Even the used Bibles looked new. You should always give your best Bibles, not just beaten-up ones.

3. Don’t participate in ungodly activities or Jokes. Please have an answer ready if someone asks why you do not want to engage in a particular activity.

4. Play Christian music softly in your car. When you have someone you would like to share the Gospel within the vehicle with you, playing Christian music can help start a conversation.

5. Pray. Pray for those going through difficult times. Mention that you will pray for them, and tell them how you rely on God during hard times.

6. Read a Christian book out in public. You could read on your lunch break in the breakroom, at a park, in a coffee shop, etc. Someone may be curious to ask what you are reading about, or you could start a conversation about your book with someone sitting nearby.

7. Have a Bible or Gospel tract handy. If you own a business, leave a Bible or a Gospel tract in open view with a note saying please take one. If you are an employee, use wisdom and get permission from the owner. I once owned a tourist business that was closed on Sundays. This opened up many conversations asking why we were closed on this day.

8. Support children or Pastors in a third-world country. Sponsoring a child or a rural Pastor through your church or another Christian organization can open up conversations.

9. Post on social media. You could share posts with encouraging Scripture verses, sermon videos, worship songs, and Christian quotes. Or write your testimony on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or make a testimony video on YouTube, etc. Examples of verses to use: Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:9-10, John 11:25-26, Romans 3:10-11, Matthew 28:19-20, 1 Peter 3:15, Psalms 96: 2-4, Matthew 5:11-12, and Mark 13:10.

Way To Go to the Next Christian Generation! We noticed that many teens and young adults worldwide had started their Christian ministry using social media. As an older person, I found this tool amazing and encouraging to a different generation. When writing this study guide, a young lady volunteered to make social media sites for us. This would be a good fit for anyone with social media followers. I encourage you to make it a matter of prayer, counting the cost, and be prepared to get positive and negative feedback in sharing the Gospel.

Here are our social media links, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, to illustrate.

10. Start your own ministry blog. People, young and old, are using social media these days. Share your testimony and the Gospel message by starting a blog post. Find out how to begin your blog-free course here.

11. Other conversational methods are:

  • Wear a T-shirt embroidered with a Bible verse.
  • You can display Christian or scriptural home decor throughout your house.
  • Wear faith-based accessories.
  • Send Christian Christmas gifts such as a Bible or an appropriate Christian book. You can buy a Bible for under $10.00 here. One example is a teen Bible for a teenager.

Think back. Have you ever shared the Gospel with someone? If so, when was the last time you shared the Gospel message?
(Pause, Think, Consider, and Reflect!)

Is something holding you back from following Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:18-20: Go and make disciples”? We should strongly desire to share the “Good News” with others.

Pray first before sharing your testimony and the Gospel message with others. Next, try these creative ways to share the Gospel until you find a few that work well. Remember, “saving people” is not your responsibility. It is God’s job. Scripture tells us that our job is openly and naturally to sow seeds. If circumstances allow, we can water those seeds (encourage people to grow spiritually), and in some cases, we may also be able to harvest the seeds (watch them become soul-winners.) We need to be obedient and share the Gospel with others. God will work on the outcome. 


1. Visit a sick person. Bring a hot meal and a note or card with an encouraging Bible verse to someone sick at home or in the hospital.

2. Teach a Sunday school class. It is rewarding to teach others the Gospel message, especially children. You will be amazed at how much you can grow spiritually just by committing to teaching a class every Sunday. At least once a year, take the class somewhere special. Think of activities you could do with them in a park or take them to a restaurant that kids would enjoy. Or, you could get your feet wet by volunteering to help the Sunday school teacher in the class.

3. Volunteer your time. You could volunteer at your local women’s shelter, children’s home, hospital, or crisis center. Be a good listener, and pray with people to give them hope in Christ.

4. Talk about your weekend activities. If people ask about your weekend, mention you went to church; briefly explain the sermon. Invite them to church with you next time or to an upcoming church event. Encourage you to be spiritually aware of the daily opportunities to share.

5. Do random acts of kindness. Do spontaneous acts of goodwill and unselfishness by writing encouraging cards or notes to people, simply stating, “Jesus loves you” to someone.

Or sending inspiring cards on birthdays and special holidays to those you know. I know of a blind person who keeps a list, phoning folks on their birthdays and closing the conversation in prayer. The opportunities are endless as you ask God to open up unseen doors.

Always be prepared if an unsuspecting need arises. Yesterday, I was at a fast food restaurant, and in front of me, a young person was embarrassed and needed more money to pay for his food. You will be amazed by the God-given possibility to do a simple act of kindness in Jesus’s name.

6. Talk about current events. Ask others for their opinion on world events. Listen carefully, then highlight a Christian perspective on the event. This is one of the easiest ways to start a Spiritual conversation.

7. Volunteer for a Christian chat line. You can volunteer for Christian 24-hour chat lines where you will answer questions about spiritual matters from callers. Here is a signup link to one for mature Christians.

8. Try door-to-door witnessing. If you are confident and courageous, go with another mature Christian and try to share the Gospel this way. However, this can be very challenging but rewarding. It will keep you on your knees, praying for wisdom and strength through the Holy Spirit.

9. Start a Bible study. With help from a few Christian friends, ask non-believers if they want to join a Bible study group. I suggest appointing a Christian friend with the most experience leading a Christian Bible study group as the study leader. Speaking with the pastor at your church before starting a group is recommended. Your pastor will be able to help guide you in working as a team together.

If that is not your comfort zone, you could encourage and attend with an acquaintance to one of the life or discover groups at your church. Ask your pastor what is available.

10. Share your testimony with people you meet every day. Share the remarkable things God has done in your life with those you encounter daily. Be available and able to share at different types of group gatherings. Look for opportunities to share your story.

Review Chapter 15 – Your Story is God’s Story.
Before exploring which method works best for you, please ensure you understand the Gospel message. If you have a firm grasp of the Gospel, you can have a natural, authentic conversation with people that will not come across as mechanical, robotic, or programmed.

To have a proper conversation, you need to know the Gospel message from top to bottom and from beginning to end. The below section will help you understand and memorize the Gospel message.


1. The lost must know that they are a sinner.
They must be able to acknowledge that they are a sinner. Please make sure you convey this to the person. God will convict them of this fact.
See Romans 3:10,11,12, 23; 5:12.

2. The non-Christian must know they are under God’s wrath because of their sin. The price of sin is judgment, wrath, and hell.
(Romans 6:23; Romans 1:18.)

3. The lost person must know that they cannot save themselves.
(Romans 6:23; Romans 3:20; Romans 11:6.)

4. The non-believers must know that only Jesus can save them.
Explain the substitutional death of Christ by dying on the cross. Tell of God’s great love for sinners in giving His only begotten Son to die for them. Emphasize the finished work of Christ at Calvary.
(Romans 5:8; John 14:6; 1 Timothy 2:5; Acts 4:12.)

5. The sinner must know they are saved only by FAITH in Jesus.
Point out that since Christ has died for their sin, all they must do is open their heart and receive Him as their Savior and Lord. Make it clear that even though Jesus has already died for their sins, they must still appropriate this forgiveness by a single act of faith – receiving Him.
(Romans 10:9-13; John 3:16, 18, 36John 1:12.)

I suggest finding a few verses from each area above, marking them in your Bible, or memorizing them. You can print or write out eight sharing cards, 3 X 5 cards. Or make your very own blank sharing card here. I’ve included instructions on how to create an outline card for yourself here.

If you are new to sharing the Gospel or not feeling confident, we recommend the Christian Book. Com or Moments With the Book (MWTB) offers hundreds of tracts to buy online. You can use a Gospel tract to follow along as you present the Gospel message.

We favor the Four Spiritual Laws  25 tracts for $12.99 with 15 pages pocket-sized booklet.) Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, wrote the Four Spiritual Laws to give believers an excellent way to introduce people to Jesus Christ and God’s plan of Salvation. Also, how to know that Christ is in your life, and suggestions for Christian growth. You can use it as a great conversation starter: “Have you ever seen the 4 Spiritual Laws?”






  • You become a Christian through repentance and faith in Jesus. (Ephesians 2:8-9.)


Bear with me as we have a HEART TO HEART TALK.
People ask us a lot of spiritual questions daily through our Christian websites. Many of those questions have much to do with “head knowledge.” An example is: Did Moses write all of the Bible’s first five books, or were other authors involved? In my mind, I know the Bible is “God’s Word,” so this question is not that important to me. I understand many do not think that way, and I respect that.

When sharing the Gospel with others, it is not your “head knowledge” that will bring others to Christ. It springs up from a deep place within the heart by the power of the Holy Spirit, pouring out mercy, grace, and compassion for the unsaved. It can’t necessarily be taught as it comes from deep within. Each of us needs the desire to go deeper into the things of God. We must first . . .


  • Prepare your heart to hear from God.


  • Jesus expects us to share our faith with people.
  • Demonstrating God’s love draws others to Him.
  • Remove things from your life that do not reflect God’s love.


  • Lord, give me the opportunity and courage to share your love with others.
  • Show me areas of my life that could be more fruitful.


1. Do you want to go deeper into the spiritual realm?
Start with good habits. Each day, we make choices. We can have a burger, fries, and a pop while binge-watching TV. Or, we can fix a healthy meal, exercise, and spend time in God’s Word. Whatever choice we make will reinforce a habit, and that behavior forms the basis of our daily routine. Change your practices, and you can change your life.

2. What is your burning desire?
We all should have a burning desire so ignited by God that we will have no difficulty igniting our tongue to speak the Word of God. As Jesus said, “… For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” (Matthew 12:34.)

3. How important is it for you to share the Gospel with people?

4. What does your answer to the above question say about your love for God?

5. Why are you in love with God?

6. Reflecting on God’s message, what specifically do you want to share with others?

7. What would help light the fire in your heart to share the Word of God?

When we know Jesus intimately, forsake any hidden sin and submit to the Holy Spirit, we will see God’s holy vision come to pass in our lives.
(Pause, Think, Consider, and Reflect!)

Tomorrow, we will look at easy ways to share the Gospel in more detail. Each will have a simple outline. Pick one, or use as many methods as you want for different situations. At the very least, pick one way to start. It is natural and may be necessary to use notes or an outline at first to keep you on track when presenting the Gospel. I know I need it!


Tomorrow’s Study Guide – Chapter 25


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